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Salmones Camanchaca SA – ESG risk research and ESG rating
We at sustainAX have ESG risk researched and ESG risk rated Salmones Camanchaca SA and our clients can access the reseach on their Bloomberg terminals.
Salmones Camanchaca SA is in the materiality based sector of FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO.

Our ESG risk research of Salmones Camanchaca SA
Our approach to ESG research is fundamental, that means that we have studied all relevant publications by Salmones Camanchaca SA and combined this with fundamental understanding of ESG challenges and risks of different activities and for the FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO sector. This makes us well placed to estimate the ESG risks of Salmones Camanchaca SA. We have published a 33 pages ESG research report on Salmones Camanchaca SA with a conclusion highlighting the most important residual risks, a section suggesting how it should be integrated in investment decisions and a list of all the questions we think should be asked to Salmones Camanchaca SA.
More about our ESG risk research here:
AGGREGATED ESG RISK RATING* for Salmones Camanchaca SA:
60-80 of 100
Low risk
Where 100 is the lowest ESG risk and 0 is the highest risk.
*The ESG, E, S and G risk rating ranges indicate to what degree Salmones Camanchaca SA has addressed and mitigated their material ESG risks according to the sustainAX materiality matrix. sustainAX’ clients have access to the exact ESG risk rating.
**The weight in the aggregated ESG rating
Environmental RISK RATING* and WEIGHT** for Salmones Camanchaca SA:
60-80 of 100 – Low risk
Social RISK RATING* and WEIGHT** for Salmones Camanchaca SA:
60-80 of 100 – Low risk
Governance RISK RATING* and WEIGHT** for Salmones Camanchaca SA:
40-60 of 100 – Middle risk
About the company:
Salmones Camanchaca S.A. is a Chilean company that has been farming salmon for more than 30 years and it has been delivering this nutritious excellent product to the homes of thousands of families around the world. It is a vertically integrated company that operates freshwater and seawater facilities, primary processing and value-added plants, which include genetics, egg production, a closed recirculating hatchery for Atlantic salmon, 74 marine grow-out concessions distributed around 14 neighborhoods in the Los Lagos and Aysn regions, two primary processing plants in the Los Lagos region, and a value-added plant and cold storage plant in the Bo Bo region. The Company is a publicly listed corporation, and its shares have been traded on the Santiago and Oslo (Norway) Stock Exchanges since 2018. Its principal shareholder is Camanchaca S.A. who owns a 70.29% interest. - The Companys purpose is: a) aquaculture in general, especially breeding, producing and farming salmon, trout, other salmonidae and all other species or organisms grown entirely or primarily in water, including research and development of salmonidae genetics, industrializing, slaughtering, cooling, freezing, dehydrating, packing, packaging, transporting and selling products, by-products and aquatic derivatives, for its own benefit and also by providing related services to third parties, and b) researching, developing, producing and manufacturing aquatic inputs, machinery and materials, all for its own production or for sale to third parties.
Are you interested in the ESG research and ESG rating?
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