IMPACT - sustainAX UN SDG communication pertinence scoring

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According to the United Nations:

“The UN Global Compact asks companies to first do business responsibly and then pursue opportunities to solve societal challenges through business innovation and collaboration. For companies wanting to advance the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting responsibly – incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact widely into strategies and operations, and understanding that good practices or innovation in one area cannot make up for doing harm in another.”

UN SDG - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

What is important for the Sustainable Development Goals for companies:

1) UN Global Compact is integrated in policies and programs first before expressing SDG supports
2) That the SDG communication and programs is thorough and justified

How we do the Sustainable Development Goal scoring:

We consider what the company claims in terms of SDG support, not what they do not say or what they should say. We look at the Targets specified and the KPIs attached to these. Our score is a numerical representation of the credibility of the existing SDG communication and action of the company. The scale starts at the bottom with 0 and goes to the top with 100.