IMPACT - sustainAX Transition Pathway scoring

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From the Transition Pathway Initiative:

“TPI’s sectoral decarbonisation pathways are widely used by investors and investor networks, like Climate Action 100+, to assess whether companies are aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, specifically the goal of keeping global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius. This analysis informs investment decision-making and underpins these investors’ engagement with companies across the range of high impact sectors.”

TPI - Transition Path Initiative

What is important when considering the Transition Pathway Initiative:

It is important that the company publish the relevant KPIs and that they explain how they plan to get to their targets. 

How we do the Transition Pathway Initiative scoring:

We first make an assessment at what Level the company is in implementing TPI given the company is in a sector defined relevant by TPI at this stage. Thereafter we check if the company is publishing the relevant KPIs for the sector defined by TPI. We check how the KPIs are relative to short term and long term TPI’s estimations for the different pathways. Finally we TPI score the company. The scale starts at the bottom with 0 and goes to the top with 100.