Our ESG research

Our coverage is increasing and we can reply to any demand from our clients with regards to type of company, sector and region

Our research is based on a solid methodology framework that is based on standard ESG research approach and strengthened with EFFAS’ CESGA certified analysts

We see that many clients struggle with understanding the scope of an ESG research report, therefore we have made this library of ESG risks

With a growing interest for IMPACT investments, we have now as a result of client demand started to score companies on their SDG approach

With a growing interest for IMPACT investments, we have now as a result of client demand started to score companies on their Transition Pathway Initiatives

Warning on ESG scores


An ESG score has in itself limited value, it is to be considered a starting point for the work of digging into the details to understand the ESG risks of a company. The urgency is to address the companies where the combination of financial opportunity/risk and ESG risk score is weak.

What counts is the fundamental ESG research report, you need to understand the specific ESG risks of the companies in your portfolio.

Our reports contain these details including the Engagement questions to ask the company. Read more about this here: ESG* integration – What is the main value of an ESG score or ESG rating?